August 2024 Release Notes

All things related to Acolyte Academy. Its development, general discussion, bugs you guys find, or future features that you hope to see. Come talk testing! :)
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August 2024 Release Notes

Post by FinalAsgard »

August 1, 2024
  • Added a footer to the page to hold links for the future that we don't want cluttering the main menu
  • Made some text changes to the main Welcome/Home page, including centering the Join button at the bottom
  • Updated the Site Title to link to your exams page if logged in
  • [BUG] Special characters (such as apostrophes) in your exam or question text now displays properly
  • Updated the main exam list page with multiple UI improvements
  • Updated the Exam Summary page with multiple UI improvements
  • Moved the Practice button to a submenu next to the "Take Exam" buttons
  • Added an Edit Exam button underneath the submenu button
  • Added Mastery Improvement Scores to the Exam Summary page
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Re: August 2024 Release Notes

Post by FinalAsgard »

August 2, 2024
  • [NEW FEATURE] Added a new "Highest Mastery" achievement for each exam
  • New mastery achievement shows on user profile page, the test view page, and your main test list page
  • [BUG] Corrected the mastery bar colors on the exams page
  • Randomly generated "wrong" answers now choose unique text values. So no more having questions with multiple right answers where only is truly right.
  • [BUG] Fixed the flash cards so they now randomize at the beginning of a study session
  • Redesigned the "Hall of Fame" section of the Exam View page
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Re: August 2024 Release Notes

Post by FinalAsgard »

August 3, 2024
  • [FEATURE] Added a new tutorial system to the site! You will now see a little owl flying around on various pages. Click the owl to get help on a certain topic of the site.
  • Renamed the Profile to Profile Settings
  • Added an option to the Profile Settings page to disable the help owl
  • Added a new link in the drop down menu to take you to your Transcripts page (your public profile)
  • New name is official! The new URL for the site will be! It may take a day or two for this URL to work, so the current temp url will still be around.
  • Updated the "Remember Me" checkbox on the login page so it's obvious and looks nicer now.
  • Added more obvious login and register buttons to the mobile navigation menu
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Re: August 2024 Release Notes

Post by FinalAsgard »

August 4, 2024
  • Modified how points are calculated if you are seeing a question for the first time. Also adjusted the text in the Mastery Tracker section to make it more clear how the calculation was made.
  • [BUG] For some reason Query the owl refused to go away if you turned off the tutorial feature! Found another way to make the owl obey your wishes this time.
  • Added the ability for admins to manage acolyte's exams for them.
  • Improved the list of exams that an acolyte created on the transcripts page
  • Renamed the /profile/{id} url to be /transcripts/{id} to be consistent with how we're using the names
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Re: August 2024 Release Notes

Post by FinalAsgard »

August 5, 2024
  • Reduced the points for questions to achieve the rank of Familiar and above by 1. This gives quicker progress right out of the gate, and reduces the time to mastery by 3 weeks. Once you've gotten a question correct 6-7 times, with weeks in between the last couple, that should count as mastered, right?
  • Set up a redirect from the old temp URL to the new permanent URL.
  • Fixed the question selection so it actually shuffles the questions
  • Adjusted the size of the main UI elements on iPad sized displays
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Re: August 2024 Release Notes

Post by FinalAsgard »

August 6, 2024
  • Remade the entire exam editing page to make managing individual questions a lot easier. There are way fewer page loads now.
  • Updated the question group to work with new exam edit view
  • Removed the old exam management pages and renamed the exam management routes to better align with the thematic name (architect)
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Re: August 2024 Release Notes

Post by FinalAsgard »

August 8, 2024
  • [BUG] Updated exam editing page to allow for special characters in the question text boxes
  • [Feature] Added a new Group Question Text section to the Question Groups. This allows you to specify text that is added IMMEDIATELY BEFORE the question is displayed during tests and practices. This way you can make test creation less repetitive if every question in this group should start with similar text.
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Re: August 2024 Release Notes

Post by FinalAsgard »

August 9, 2024
  • Updated the alert messages to display within a standard card so your eyes don't have to scan a so far to read the message (yay for reduced eye fatigue!)
  • [UPDATE] New exams cannot be made Public unless they have at least 50 Questions. This is to reduce the number of public tests that do not have a lot of depth to them.
  • Added a new "Credit" system that will be used to allow free accounts to use a limited number of the premium features
  • Reduced the size of the question text on the exam session pages
  • Updated the Question Groups - Edit Question page, to show the common group question prefix text. This makes it easier to word your test question on that page if you are using the group question prefix text.
  • Increased the number of Group Questions that can be added at one time to 10
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Re: August 2024 Release Notes

Post by FinalAsgard »

August 10, 2024
  • You will no longer lose a mastery level once you obtain it! This could have happened if you did poorly on tests later on, or if the Exam Architect added more questions to the exam after you attained a certain mastery level.
  • Added a draft Privacy Policy
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Re: August 2024 Release Notes

Post by FinalAsgard »

August 11, 2024
  • Added a Credit system behind the scenes that will be used with the new subscription system that will be coming within the next week.
  • Updated the privacy policy style so it is easier to read
  • Changed the default Gravatar style used for those without a Gravatar
  • Made email verification work
  • Adjusted the formula for snoozing a question to help the questions you struggle with the most and giving a larger snooze when working on the last mastery level
  • [BUG] Brought back mastery colors on the exam session answer page
  • Added the Acolyte icon to the acolyte count on the exam view page
  • Implemented a restriction on how many questions can be added to a test
  • [BUG] Fixed a JediBugs that would cause error 500 when deleting a question
  • Fixed the JediBug that allows users to add too many questions, bypassing the max questions limit
  • Added an Enrollment process so that every exam you look at isn't automatically added to your account