Status update on AG 2.0

Any and all discussion around Anthology Gateway. Its development, status, future features, or bugs that you guys manage to find.
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Status update on AG 2.0

Post by FinalAsgard »

My original plan was to have Anthology Gateway 2.0 completed by August, however my personal financial has become a bit desperate. I can't wait for my dreams of Anthology Gateway to become a major success before I bring in additional income for my family, so I had to get a second job.

Working 70+ hours a week has GREATLY impacted my development time, but not my desires to keep working on this site. So updates will be resuming, but slowly. I don't have an updated time line.

If you're wondering about my development work on the Serenity Study Tool, note that work on that site is just a series of relatively minor updates so getting that work done is a lot easier to do with my short 30 minute coding windows that I have during the day.
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