November 2024 Release Notes
Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2024 4:31 pm
November 18, 2024
- [BUG] Squashed a bug that marked a multi-answer question as correct if you selected all of the correct answers and an additional incorrect answer
- [ENHANCEMENT] Installed a framework that will allow me to add more responsive elements to the UI and will allow me to add really cool User Experiences in the near future
- [ENHANCEMENT] Question text can now be multi-lined. This is great for making a really long question look nicer and easier to read
- [ENHANCEMENT] Added a captcha to the registration page to help curb the incredible number of bots that want to register but not use the site
- [UI] Reduced the font size of the questions on the test and answer pages when the question has a lot of text. This looked awful on desktop.
- [UI] Made the "Select an answer" text more clear for when viewing a question with multiple answers so there is a visual distinction besides the round radio box turning into a slightly less round check box
- [BUG] Squashed a bug that marked a multi-answer question as correct if you selected all of the correct answers and an additional incorrect answer
- [ENHANCEMENT] Installed a framework that will allow me to add more responsive elements to the UI and will allow me to add really cool User Experiences in the near future
- [ENHANCEMENT] Question text can now be multi-lined. This is great for making a really long question look nicer and easier to read
- [ENHANCEMENT] Added a captcha to the registration page to help curb the incredible number of bots that want to register but not use the site
- [UI] Reduced the font size of the questions on the test and answer pages when the question has a lot of text. This looked awful on desktop.
- [UI] Made the "Select an answer" text more clear for when viewing a question with multiple answers so there is a visual distinction besides the round radio box turning into a slightly less round check box