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July 2024 Release Notes

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2024 10:56 pm
by FinalAsgard
  • Removed the "Continue Exam" section from the home page and instead made the Exam button resume an already in-progress exam if one exists.
  • Created a new style (in Dark mode) for the site from the ground up. This new design is mobile friendly.

Re: July 2024 Release Notes

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2024 7:24 am
by FinalAsgard
  • Installed a new Feature Flag package
Feature flags will allow me to slowly develop larger features and deploy the changes regularly without causing any issues before the feature is complete. This will enable me to spend more of my short development windows on making progress toward the larger features instead of waiting for an open weekend to work on it.

Re: July 2024 Release Notes

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2024 8:34 pm
by FinalAsgard
  • Added security to the tests so you can no longer view/take private tests by URL hacking.
Work has started on the Practice Flash Cards feature that will be coming soon.

Re: July 2024 Release Notes

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2024 4:18 am
by FinalAsgard
The earlier deployment broke the ability to take Public tests. That has been resolved now.

Re: July 2024 Release Notes

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2024 11:41 pm
by FinalAsgard
July 20, 2024
  • Created a new system for tracking which exams you have taken that makes the loading of your test history immensely more efficient.
  • Created a new Exams page to show your test history
  • Created a new test engine used during test taking
  • Improved the URLs used during the testing to make them make more sense to the user as they take the test
  • Created a new Exam Summary page that will show you the results of your current test and the updated stats for this test
  • Mastery of each question shows up on the answer page so you get immediate feedback on where you are with mastering this question
  • Changed the home page to no longer be password protected. Removed all info from that page to get it ready to share info about this site
  • Created a new Exam Management page for managing the exams that you have created

Re: July 2024 Release Notes

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2024 6:09 am
by FinalAsgard
July 21, 2024
  • Fixed a bug that prevented sessions from being properly created
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the home page from being accessed by guest users (not logged in)
  • Fixed the stat boxes on the summary page in mobile view
  • Added for the recovery of orphaned exams when we moved to the new exam system a of weeks ago
  • Added to delete questions from the Exam Question Groups

Re: July 2024 Release Notes

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2024 8:35 pm
by FinalAsgard
July 22, 2025
  • Added a new home page that has images and a description for why the site is awesome
  • [BUG] Added the "Create Exam" button back to the /MyExams page
  • [FEATURE] New Flash Card Review system added
  • Updated the Start Test form to show how many questions you have available to take, so no more mystery error when you ask for too many!
  • [BUG] Fixed button on Exam edit to go to the new MyExams page

Re: July 2024 Release Notes

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:07 am
by FinalAsgard
July 24, 2025
  • Added an admin control panel for better monitoring of how the website is being used and to set the groundwork for user profiles (coming soon(tm)!)

Re: July 2024 Release Notes

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2024 10:27 pm
by FinalAsgard
July 25, 2024
  • [FEATURE] Users have a public profile page that lists what public exams you have taken and/or created.
  • Added Gravatar images to the user profile sections
  • Updated the design on the Exam display cards to include a nicer way to showcase the author of the exam. This includes your gravatar.

Re: July 2024 Release Notes

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2024 6:05 pm
by FinalAsgard
We are done with development for this month. Development will resume during the first week of August. It's been a wild ride this month! I look forward to what next month has to bring.